
Profiles in Science Book Seeds

These include activities for a wide range of ages, from as young as 6 to as old as 12. Please note that many issues are included in other curricula. (See below for details.) Book Seeds may, however, be purchased and used independently of other Blossom and Root curricula.

Year 1 Issues: Year 1 issues are included in a purchase of Blossom and Root First Grade / Year 1, or the science from First Grade / Year 1, or science and nature study bundle from First Grade / Year 1. All six year 1 issues have been released. Please note that the John Muir issue was replaced in December 2020 with an issue based on Young Water Protectors by Aslan Tudor.

Year 2 Issues: Year 2 issues are included in a purchase of Blossom and Root Second Grade / Year 2, or the science from Second Grade / Year 2, or science and nature study bundle from Second Grade / Year 2. All six year 2 issues have been released.

Year 3 Issues: Year3 issues are included in a purchase of Blossom and Root Third Grade / Year 3, or the science from Third Grade / Year 3, or science and nature study bundle from Third Grade / Year 3. All six year 3 issues have been released.

Year 1 Issues

secular science homeschool

Profiles in Science Issue No. 1: Solving the Puzzle Under the Sea: Marie Tharp Maps the Ocean Floor by Robert Burleigh

Topics: Echolocation and Sonar Technology, Cartography, the Landscape Beneath the Ocean’s Surface, and Asking Big Questions

Click here to see this issue in our store.

secular science curriculum homeschool

Profiles in Science Issue No. 2: Charles Darwin’s Around-the-World Adventure by Jennifer Thermes

Topics: Charles Darwin, Natural Selection, Field Drawing and Nature Journaling, Observation as a Scientific Tool, and the Importance for Environmental Responsibility in Science Fields

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 3: Mary Anning and the Sea Dragon by Jeannine Atkins

Topics: Mary Anning, What Fossils Tell Us, Types of Fossils, Paleontology

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 4: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (Picture Book Edition) by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer

Topics: Wind energy, wind mills, energy sources, drought, tinkering, and problem-solving

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 5: One Plastic Bag: Isatou Cessay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia by Miranda Paul

Topics: Plastic waste, biodegradability, recycling and upcycling, reducing single-use plastic waste, taking action through small and intentional choices.

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 6: Young Water Protectors, A Story About Standing Rock by Aslan Tudor

Topics: Water cycle, bodies of water, oil pipelines, environmental activism

Click here to see this issue in our store!

Year 1 Profiles in Science Bundle: All six Year 1 issues in a single bundle. Save 1.00 USD per issue when you buy all six issues in a single bundle!

Click here to see this bundle in our store.

Year 2 Issues

Profiles in Science Issue No. 7: The Boy Who Grew a Forest by Jadav Payeng

Exploring erosion and how plants help to prevent it, fast and slow growing plants

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 8: The Tree Lady by H. Joseph Hopkins

Topics: Succulents and other drought-resistant plants, garden design

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 9: In the Garden with Dr. Carver by Susan Grigsby

Topics: Compost, mono-cropping, soil health, identifying plant problems

Click here to see this issue in our store!

Profiles in Science Issue No. 10: Wangaris Trees of Peace by Jeanette Winter

Topics: the life and contributions of Wangari Maathai, the importance of trees, how humans and animals depend on trees to live, how trees provide oxygen through the process of photosynthesis, tree anatomy, branching fractal patterns.

Click here to see this issue in our store!

Profiles in Science Issue No. 11: I am a Farmer: Growing an Environmental Movement in Cameroon by Baptiste and Miranda Paul

Topics: Growing food, fruits and vegetables that grow in or above the ground, wet seasons and dry seasons, measuring rainfall, words for water in many languages, the importance of clean water for drinking, proverbs.

Click here to see this issue in our store!

Profiles in Science Issue No. 12: Gregor Mendel, The Friar Who Grew Peas by Cheryl Bardoe

Topics: heredity, genes, inherited traits, learned behaviors, dominant vs. recessive traits, Punnett squares and using math to find patterns, pea anatomy

Click here to see this issue in our store!

Click here to purchase a bundle of all six Year 2 Book Seed issues! (Save 1.00 per issue when you buy them in a bundle!)

Year 3 Issues

Profiles in Science Issue No. 13: Manfish: A Story of Jacques Cousteau by Jennifer Berne AND Life in the Ocean: The Story of Oceanographer Sylvia Earle by Claire A. Nivola

Topics: Coral and coral bleaching, submarines, ocean zones, and sound pollution

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 14: Summer Birds: The Butterflies of Maria Merian by Margarita Engle AND Buzzing with Questions: The Inquisitive Mind of Charles Henry Turner by Janice N. Harrington

Topics: Arthropods, exoskeletons, arthropod anatomy, complete and incomplete metamorphosis, how to tell the difference between different kinds of arthropods, noticing habitats when nature journaling

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 15: Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Became the Ocean’s Most Fearless Scientist by Jess Keating

Topics: The importance of sharks to the ocean’s ecosystems, shark anatomy, shark teeth and jaws, shark skin, shark buoyancy, various shark species, the importance of predators, silhouettes in nature

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 16: Joan Procter, Dragon Doctor by Patricia Valdez

Topics: Reptiles, ectothermic animals vs. endothermic animals, brumation, reptile anatomy, bite force, amphibians vs. reptiles, reptile tracks and traces, herpetology and other fields of study in zoology

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 17: Spring After Spring: How Rachel Carson Inspired the Environmental Movement by by Stephanie Roth Sisson

Topics: Passerines (or perching birds), passerine anatomy, migration and stopover sites, listening to bird calls and communication, local birds in your own backyard, citizen science, ethics in art and science, how birds get their common names, taking a stand

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Profiles in Science Issue No. 18: The Watcher: Jane Goodall’s Life with the Chimps by Jeanette Winter

Topics: Primates; the difference between prosimians, monkeys, and apes; Old-world monkeys vs. New-world monkeys; primate anatomy; primate calls and communication; learning to be a patient observer; where primates live (natively) in the world; Jane Goodall

Click here to see this issue in our store.

Click here to purchase a bundle of all six Year 3 Profiles in Science issues! (Save 1.00 per issue when you buy them in a bundle!)

Get Your FREE Trial Issue of Book Seeds By Blossom & Root!

This FREE issue, inspired by the book The Three Sunflowers by Janet Lucy, includes two weeks of activities including nature study, STEAM, art project, recipe, and exploring language and poetry. Suitable for ages 3 - 8. Grab yours today!

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