homeschool math first grade

What We’re Using For First Grade Math

This year, we’re using a combination of several resources for first grade math, including:

Check out the video below! I share how I’m combining these resources, how often we do each one, and what some of our favorite math games are:

One resource I totally left out of the video was Blossom and Root First Grade: Exploring the Math in Art. While this resource definitely addresses math concepts in a beautiful and engaging way, I always think of it as “art time” and not “math time.” This year-long curriculum explores the following math concepts through beautiful works of art:

  • Shapes
  • Whole and part
  • Patterns
  • Balance
  • Symmetry

I also didn’t address all of the math that happens in our lives every single day when we’re in the kitchen baking bread, or at the store, or calculating how long it’ll take to drive to ballet class, etc. Math happens everywhere, all of the time, and there are so many opportunities to learn in daily experiences.

I would love to hear what you’re using for math this year, so please share in the comments!

Get Your FREE Trial Issue of Book Seeds By Blossom & Root!

This FREE issue, inspired by the book The Three Sunflowers by Janet Lucy, includes two weeks of activities including nature study, STEAM, art project, recipe, and exploring language and poetry. Suitable for ages 3 - 8. Grab yours today!

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