frida kahlo art project blossom and root early years vol. 2
Art and Music, Blossom and Root Early Years

Inspired by Frida Kahlo: An Art Activity from Blossom and Root Early Years Vol. 2

This activity is from Blossom and Root Early Years, Vol. 2. Click here to download your free sample of this delight-filled, gentle, hands-on curriculum for ages 4 to 5. Vol. 2 features picture studies and inspired art projects from Renoir, Frida Kahlo, Hokusai, and Jacob Lawrence.  Please note that this sample also includes a peek at Early Years Vol. 1 for ages 2 to 4. 

Part One: Picture Study

frida kahlo art activity blossom and root early years vol. 2

Begin with a casual picture study of Frida Kahlo’s Magnolias. You can print out a copy of the picture from a Google search, check out a book on Kahlo’s work from the library, or order a print online.

  1. Session One: Tell your child that you will be showing them a painting by an artist named Frida Kahlo. Don’t tell them the title of the painting yet. Show them the picture and let them look as long as they like.
  2. Session Two: Show your child the picture again, and let them study it. When they are ready, turn the painting over and ask them to tell you everything they can remember about it. What colors and shapes were there? What was happening in the picture? Were there people, animals, plants?
  3. Session Three: Tell your child the title of the painting. Talk about it together. Do they like it? Does it remind them of books they’ve read or places they’ve been? What feelings do they have when they look at it?

If possible, display the picture somewhere in your home for the week of the picture study. Click here to learn about the many benefits of doing picture studies, and why we include picture study in our curriculum.

Part Two: Exploring Artistic Expression

frida kahlo picture study blossom and root

Activity: Oil Pastels Over Watercolor

What You’ll Need:

  • oil pastel crayons
  • watercolor paints
  • brush
  • water in a cup
  • paper towel (for cleaning your brush)
  • large sheet of art paper or watercolor paper
  • wet wipes

Prep the Scene:

Protect your work area and set out the paper, watercolor paints, brush, water, paper towel, and oil pastels. Protect your child’s clothing: oil pastels will stain.

frida kahlo art activity blossom and root early years vol. 2

Inspire, then Step Back

Have your child paint whatever they like using the watercolor paints, but ask them to make lots of big, filled-in shapes when they are painting. Wait for the painting to dry completely, then show your child how to draw over the areas they painted with the oil pastels.

For example, if they made a large circle, they can trace a circle on top of it, or fill in the surface of the paint completely. Let your child create freely, playing music for them if they like. Once they finish, label and date it on the back (only if they want you to) and display it in your home.

frida kahlo art activity blossom and root early years vol. 2

Both volumes of Blossom and Root Early Years include weekly composer and picture studies and corresponding art activities. Click here to learn more about our Early Years curriculum!

blossom and root early years vol. 2


Get Your FREE Trial Issue of Book Seeds By Blossom & Root!

This FREE issue, inspired by the book The Three Sunflowers by Janet Lucy, includes two weeks of activities including nature study, STEAM, art project, recipe, and exploring language and poetry. Suitable for ages 3 - 8. Grab yours today!

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